RATINGS: IMDB ―8.1/10, Rotten Tomatoes ― 97%, ME ― 83%

Prince Humperdinck: First things first, to the death.
Westley: No. To the pain.
Prince Humperdinck: I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.
Westley: I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.
Prince Humperdinck: That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.
Westley: It won't be the last. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.
Prince Humperdinck: And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.
Westley: I wasn't finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.
Prince Humperdinck: And then my ears, I understand let's get on with it.
Westley: WRONG. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain means." It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
Prince Humperdinck: I think you're bluffing.
Westley: It's possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But, then again... perhaps I have the strength after all.
[slowly rises and points sword directly at the prince]
Westley: DROP... YOUR... SWORD!
Prince Humperdinck: [Humperdinck's mouth hangs open, drops sword to floor]
Chris Sarandon as Prince Humperdink and Crary Elwes as Westley
Trivia (From IMDB):
During the filming of some scenes, the weather became markedly cold for Robin Wright. André the Giant helped her by placing one of his hands over her head; his hands were so large that one would entirely cover the top of her head, keeping her warm.
When asked what his favorite thing about making this film was, André the Giant replied, without skipping a beat, "Nobody looks at me." He felt treated as an equal, without people staring at him because of his grand height.
In a 2012 interview in New York Magazine, Mandy Patinkin said that his most famous line from The Princess Bride (1987) ("Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.") gets quoted back to him by at least two or three strangers every day of his life. Patinkin told the interviewer that he loves hearing the line and he also loves the general fact that he got to be in the movie, stating, "I'm frankly thrilled about it. I can't believe that I got to be in The Wizard of Oz, you know what I mean?"
When Count Rugen hits Westley over the head, Cary Elwes told Christopher Guest to go ahead and hit him for real. Guest hit him hard enough to shut down production for a day while Elwes went to the hospital.
Mandy Patinkin has said that the role of Inigo Montoya is his personal favorite over the course of his entire career.
Robin Wright and Cary Elwes were smitten with each other during filming, naturally helping their chemistry in the movie. Elwes said that he "couldn't concentrate on much of anything after that first encounter with Robin."
According to author William Goldman, when he was first trying to get the movie made in the 1970s, a then-unknown Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to play Fezzik, and he was strongly being considered because Goldman could never get his first choice, André the Giant, to read for the role. By the time the movie was made about twelve years later, Schwarzenegger was such a big star they could not afford him. Andre was cast after all, and the two big men had gone on to become friends.
Mandy Patinkin claims that the only injury he sustained during the entire filming of this movie was a bruised rib due to stifling his laughter in his scenes with Billy Crystal. His attempt at holding back his laughter is obvious from his facial expression during his line, "This is noble sir."
Writer William Goldman was on set during one of the flame burst scenes in the forest when Robin Wright's dress caught fire. Although Goldman knew this was intentional, he was so caught up in the moment that he shouted, "Her dress is on fire!", thus ruining the take.
Most of the movie was filmed on location in England. The castle used for the film was Haddon Hall, a fortified country house (not a castle as such) that dates to before 1087 (when it was listed in the Domesday Book). The tapestries in Haddon Hall interiors are original, dating to the late medieval and renaissance periods.
Director Rob Reiner left the set during Billy Crystal's scenes because he would laugh so hard that he would feel nauseated.
There really was a "Dread Pirate Roberts" (Bartholomew Roberts, also known as Black Bart) who operated in the Caribbean in the early 18th century. He is reckoned by many to have been the most successful pirate of all time.
The giant rodents were created with diminutive actors inside rat suits. On the day Westley was supposed to wrestle the main actor, Danny Blackner, he was nowhere to be found. Finally, Blackner arrived on set with a long story about being pulled over for speeding the night prior on his way home from the bar, and subsequently being put in jail for a few hours for drinking (after the police officer didn't believe his story about having to work as an actor/stuntman playing a rat).
Cary Elwes (Westley) and Robin Wright (Princess Buttercup) were so reluctant to end their time with the film that during their final shared scene (the horseback kiss), one or other of them would keep requesting another take for all sorts of made up reasons.
Rob Reiner and Andrew Scheinman recorded all of André the Giant's scenes on tape, with Rob doing Andre's lines. During rehearsals Andre would walk around with headphones with that tape playing all the time. It worked great, and they didn't even have to loop his lines.
Despite his character Fezzik's almost-superhuman strength, André the Giant's back problems at the time prevented him from actually lifting anything heavy. Robin Wright had to be attached to wires in the scene where Buttercup jumps from the castle window into Fezzik's arms because he couldn't support her himself.
Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin performed all of their own sword-fighting after many hours of training. According to Rob Reiner, the only stunt performed by Patinkin's stunt double was one flip during the "Chatty Duelists" scene.
In order to create the Greatest Swordfight in Modern Times, Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin trained for months with Peter Diamond and Bob Anderson, who between them had been in the Olympics; worked on Bond, Lord of the Rings, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), and Star Wars films; and coached Errol Flynn and Burt Lancaster. Every spare moment on set was spent practicing. Eventually, when they showed Rob Reiner the swordfight for the movie, he was underwhelmed and requested that it be at least three minutes long rather than the current one minute. They added steps to the set, watched more swashbuckling movies for inspiration, re-choreographed the scene, and ended up with a three minute and 10 second fight which took the better part of a week to film from all angles.
Cary Elwes was cast because of what Rob Reiner called his Douglas Fairbanks or Errol Flynn quality. Fairbanks and Flynn both played Robin Hood (Fairbanks in Robin Hood (1922) and Flynn in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)). Elwes would later spoof their performances in Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993).
André the Giant called almost everybody on set (be they director, producers, co-stars or crew) "boss", a technique he employed to defer to people he liked and go some way towards counteracting the way he would tower over them.
There were no "shrieking eels" in the original novel. Instead, once Buttercup jumps overboard to escape her captors, Vizzini warns her of sharks in the water, and fills a cup with his own blood and throws it in the water to attract them.
Rob Reiner first read the book "The Princess Bride" back when he was starring in All in the Family (1971). His dad, Carl Reiner, was friendly with William Goldman, and thought Rob would like the book.
Billy Crystal used his Saturday Night Live (1975) makeup artist, Peter Montagna, to create Miracle Max. Billy brought him photos of his grandmother and Casey Stengel to help develop the look, and also brought in an uncle who had similar bone structure.
Andre the Giant needed an ATV to get him to shooting locations, and he was always trying to get Cary Elwes to drive it. Elwes eventually relented, but on his first time driving it, he hit a patch of rocks as he was shifting gears, which caused his foot to slip from the clutch and eventually become wedged between the pedal and a rock. His left big toe was bent straight down and was broken, which he tried to conceal from director Rob Reiner. Eventually he had to confess, and they worked shooting around his swollen toe and limp. You can notice it in the scene right before Buttercup pushes him down the hill; he sits down with his leg extended, because he wasn't able to put weight on the foot. In the next scene when he and Buttercup head into the Fire Swamp, he has a strange hop in his step.
During the filming of some scenes, the weather became markedly cold for Robin Wright. André the Giant helped her by placing one of his hands over her head; his hands were so large that one would entirely cover the top of her head, keeping her warm.
When asked what his favorite thing about making this film was, André the Giant replied, without skipping a beat, "Nobody looks at me." He felt treated as an equal, without people staring at him because of his grand height.
In a 2012 interview in New York Magazine, Mandy Patinkin said that his most famous line from The Princess Bride (1987) ("Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.") gets quoted back to him by at least two or three strangers every day of his life. Patinkin told the interviewer that he loves hearing the line and he also loves the general fact that he got to be in the movie, stating, "I'm frankly thrilled about it. I can't believe that I got to be in The Wizard of Oz, you know what I mean?"
When Count Rugen hits Westley over the head, Cary Elwes told Christopher Guest to go ahead and hit him for real. Guest hit him hard enough to shut down production for a day while Elwes went to the hospital.
Mandy Patinkin has said that the role of Inigo Montoya is his personal favorite over the course of his entire career.
Robin Wright and Cary Elwes were smitten with each other during filming, naturally helping their chemistry in the movie. Elwes said that he "couldn't concentrate on much of anything after that first encounter with Robin."
According to author William Goldman, when he was first trying to get the movie made in the 1970s, a then-unknown Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to play Fezzik, and he was strongly being considered because Goldman could never get his first choice, André the Giant, to read for the role. By the time the movie was made about twelve years later, Schwarzenegger was such a big star they could not afford him. Andre was cast after all, and the two big men had gone on to become friends.
Mandy Patinkin claims that the only injury he sustained during the entire filming of this movie was a bruised rib due to stifling his laughter in his scenes with Billy Crystal. His attempt at holding back his laughter is obvious from his facial expression during his line, "This is noble sir."
Writer William Goldman was on set during one of the flame burst scenes in the forest when Robin Wright's dress caught fire. Although Goldman knew this was intentional, he was so caught up in the moment that he shouted, "Her dress is on fire!", thus ruining the take.
Most of the movie was filmed on location in England. The castle used for the film was Haddon Hall, a fortified country house (not a castle as such) that dates to before 1087 (when it was listed in the Domesday Book). The tapestries in Haddon Hall interiors are original, dating to the late medieval and renaissance periods.
Director Rob Reiner left the set during Billy Crystal's scenes because he would laugh so hard that he would feel nauseated.
There really was a "Dread Pirate Roberts" (Bartholomew Roberts, also known as Black Bart) who operated in the Caribbean in the early 18th century. He is reckoned by many to have been the most successful pirate of all time.
The giant rodents were created with diminutive actors inside rat suits. On the day Westley was supposed to wrestle the main actor, Danny Blackner, he was nowhere to be found. Finally, Blackner arrived on set with a long story about being pulled over for speeding the night prior on his way home from the bar, and subsequently being put in jail for a few hours for drinking (after the police officer didn't believe his story about having to work as an actor/stuntman playing a rat).
Cary Elwes (Westley) and Robin Wright (Princess Buttercup) were so reluctant to end their time with the film that during their final shared scene (the horseback kiss), one or other of them would keep requesting another take for all sorts of made up reasons.
Rob Reiner and Andrew Scheinman recorded all of André the Giant's scenes on tape, with Rob doing Andre's lines. During rehearsals Andre would walk around with headphones with that tape playing all the time. It worked great, and they didn't even have to loop his lines.
Despite his character Fezzik's almost-superhuman strength, André the Giant's back problems at the time prevented him from actually lifting anything heavy. Robin Wright had to be attached to wires in the scene where Buttercup jumps from the castle window into Fezzik's arms because he couldn't support her himself.
Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin performed all of their own sword-fighting after many hours of training. According to Rob Reiner, the only stunt performed by Patinkin's stunt double was one flip during the "Chatty Duelists" scene.
In order to create the Greatest Swordfight in Modern Times, Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin trained for months with Peter Diamond and Bob Anderson, who between them had been in the Olympics; worked on Bond, Lord of the Rings, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), and Star Wars films; and coached Errol Flynn and Burt Lancaster. Every spare moment on set was spent practicing. Eventually, when they showed Rob Reiner the swordfight for the movie, he was underwhelmed and requested that it be at least three minutes long rather than the current one minute. They added steps to the set, watched more swashbuckling movies for inspiration, re-choreographed the scene, and ended up with a three minute and 10 second fight which took the better part of a week to film from all angles.
Cary Elwes was cast because of what Rob Reiner called his Douglas Fairbanks or Errol Flynn quality. Fairbanks and Flynn both played Robin Hood (Fairbanks in Robin Hood (1922) and Flynn in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)). Elwes would later spoof their performances in Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993).
André the Giant called almost everybody on set (be they director, producers, co-stars or crew) "boss", a technique he employed to defer to people he liked and go some way towards counteracting the way he would tower over them.
There were no "shrieking eels" in the original novel. Instead, once Buttercup jumps overboard to escape her captors, Vizzini warns her of sharks in the water, and fills a cup with his own blood and throws it in the water to attract them.
Rob Reiner first read the book "The Princess Bride" back when he was starring in All in the Family (1971). His dad, Carl Reiner, was friendly with William Goldman, and thought Rob would like the book.
Billy Crystal used his Saturday Night Live (1975) makeup artist, Peter Montagna, to create Miracle Max. Billy brought him photos of his grandmother and Casey Stengel to help develop the look, and also brought in an uncle who had similar bone structure.
Andre the Giant needed an ATV to get him to shooting locations, and he was always trying to get Cary Elwes to drive it. Elwes eventually relented, but on his first time driving it, he hit a patch of rocks as he was shifting gears, which caused his foot to slip from the clutch and eventually become wedged between the pedal and a rock. His left big toe was bent straight down and was broken, which he tried to conceal from director Rob Reiner. Eventually he had to confess, and they worked shooting around his swollen toe and limp. You can notice it in the scene right before Buttercup pushes him down the hill; he sits down with his leg extended, because he wasn't able to put weight on the foot. In the next scene when he and Buttercup head into the Fire Swamp, he has a strange hop in his step.
Mel Smith (The Albino) has confessed to never having watched his performance in this film due to the painful experience involved in filming the role. His character required him to wear coloured contact lenses and, unknown to Smith and the costume department at the time, he was actually allergic to the lens solution used. This meant that Smith was in constant pain and discomfort throughout filming; hence, he is reluctant to relive the memory.
The names that Inigo and Westley refer to in the "chatty duel" sequence are all actual fencing terms named after their 14th and 15th century proponents. Bonetti's defense refers to refraining from attacking on uneven terrain, Capo (sic) Ferra refers to a linear attack, the best for uneven terrain, Thibault refers to angular defenses /attacks and Agrippa refers to natural short sword movements which cancel out angular defenses and attacks.
Max and Valerie, played by Billy Crystal and Carol Kane respectively, were named after author William Goldman's parents, Max and Valerie.
The 'Dread Pirate Roberts' costume was modeled after that of infamous vigilante Zorro, only leaving out the cape as it was felt it was unnecessary and the hat as it does not suit the character.
The two rival kingdoms in the movie are Florin and Guilder. These are the names of two former Dutch currencies, the Florijn and Gulden.
The title on the 20th anniversary edition DVD cover is an ambigram (it can be read right side up or upside down).
Liam Neeson revealed on The Graham Norton Show (2007) that he auditioned for Fezzik. Director Rob Reiner scoffed when he heard that Neeson's height was "only six foot four."
Uma Thurman auditioned for the role of Buttercup. She was deemed too exotic looking for the part.
Mark Knopfler agreed to write the music for this movie on the condition that Rob Reiner put the hat that Reiner wore in This Is Spinal Tap (1984) in the movie. The hat appears in The Grandson's bedroom.
Before filming, Wallace Shawn (Vizzini) had come to understand that he was second choice for the part after Danny DeVito (although there is some confusion about whether DeVito was ever seriously pursued). He became convinced that he was wrong for the role and in danger of being fired at any moment. He was extremely nervous throughout filming and co-star Cary Elwes (Westley) noted that he was visibly sweating during the 'battle of wits' scene.
It is implied that the character of Count Rugen was an adult when Inigo Montoya was a child. Christopher Guest, who plays Rugen, is actually only four years older than Mandy Patinkin, who plays Inigo.
Vizzini's advice on not getting involved in a land war in Asia is derived from principles stated by Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery (Viscount Alamein) in a speech in the House of Lords on 30 May 1962: "Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war is: 'Do not march on Moscow.' ... Rule 2 is: 'Do not go fighting with your land armies in China.'"
Iocaine powder is a fictional poison.
The fights were choreographed by the legendary Bob Anderson (who also choreographed Star Wars). Anderson was taught to fence by the great Akos Moldovanyi, the last man in Europe to preside a sabre duel.
Inspired by, and written directly for his two daughters, writer William Goldman already had a special affection for his story. However, it spent many years in "development hell" during which it gained a reputation for being un-filmable, with at least two studio heads losing their jobs (for unrelated reasons) mere days after stating they wished to make the film. By this stage Goldman was so disillusioned and protective of his book that he took the almost unheard of step of buying back the rights to his own story when it came available after a studio 'desk clearing' (putting up every optioned story for sale so as to start again with a clean slate).
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was offered the role of Fezzik and was extremely interested in taking the role but was unable because shooting conflicted with his NBA schedule.
Christopher Reeve was considered for the lead role of Westley.
Vizzini tells the Man In Black, "Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line." 'Vizzini' is the name of a small town in Sicily.
At the time of filming the movie, Robin Wright was a regular on the soap opera Santa Barbara (1984). In exchange for allowing her time off to film the movie, they required her to extend her contract by a year.
All of the main characters are introduced in the first seven minutes of the film.
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When Inigo says, "I'm not budging, keep your 'ho there'," to the brute from the Brute Squad, he is actually insulting the man with a cross-language pun. "Joder," (pronounced similarly to "ho there") is a Spanish obscenity.
The R.O.U.S have been referenced in multiple video games, including Borderlands 2, Fallout New Vegas and World of Warcraft: Legion.
William Goldman came up with the title of the novel based on what his daughters requested in terms of ideas for his next novel, one suggested he write his next book about a princess while the other suggested a book about a bride. He then coined the title "The Princess Bride" for the novel.
The video baseball game the Grandson in playing during the first scene is "Hardball" produced by Accolade, Inc., in 1985. It was widely available in the mid-1980s for the Commodore 64 computer system. It was a one or two-player game. The sound was not from the actual game, but later added.
William Goldman claimed that Carrie Fisher was the ideal choice for Buttercup.
Courteney Cox and Meg Ryan auditioned for Princess Buttercup.
The grandson makes some sort of comment about every kissing scene except one, when Buttercup finds Westley lying on her bed, and she jumps on top of him and kisses him.
This was Willoughby Gray's final film before his death on February 13, 1993 at the age of 76.
While never stated in the movie, according to the screenplay the grandson and grandfather live in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois. This explains the Walter Payton Chicago Bears #34 jersey worn by the grandson, the Chicago Cubs pennant and William Perry poster on the wall and the Chicago White Sox cap hanging in the room.
Whoopi Goldberg campaigned for the role of Princess Buttercup.
On the DVD Scene Menu, the Pit of Despair scene is referred to as 'The Pit of Desire'.
Included among the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die", edited by Steven Schneider.
The movie's poster was inspired by the Maxfield Parrish painting "Daybreak".
Rob Reiner considered a lot of different actors to play Fezzik before André the Giant finally got the part. One of the actors considered to play the part was Richard Kiel.
Florin and Guilder are made up kingdoms but they reference a single historical coin called both florin and guilder. This is a subtle joke implying that the two kingdoms are interchangeable. Also it implies that the film is set after the year 1252 when the coin was introduced.
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Although the film is of course set in a fantasy world, the mention of criminals being sent to Australia means that the year is set after 1788.
Buttercup says that her lover's eyes are like the "sea after a storm", which is a reference to a painting of the same name by Irish painter Francis Darby in 1824. This could be a hint that the film is set after 1824.
In the Criminal Minds (2005) episode "Criminal Minds: Nelson's Sparrow (2015)", the younger version of Jason Gideon, the character originally played by Mandy Patinkin, is played by Fred Savage's younger brother Ben Savage.
One of Peter Falk's Columbo episodes features a character called Montoya.
Director Cameo ―
Rob Reiner: the voice of the R.O.U.S's.
Spoilers ―
Mandy Patinkin revealed that acting out Inigo's quest to avenge his father's murder brought back memories of losing his own father to cancer in 1972. He said that when filming the scene when Inigo kills "The Six-Fingered Man" he felt like he had just "killed" the cancer that killed his father.
Count Rugen wounds Inigo five times before and during the period of the film: the two cheek scars he inflicted on Inigo when he was a child, sword thrusts to one forearm and the opposite shoulder, and the knife wound in the stomach. When Inigo finally gets the upper hand in their duel, he returns exactly those wounds and no more: first the forearm and shoulder, then the cheek slashes, and then finally he kills Rugen with a thrust to the stomach.
Buttercup is continually referred to throughout the film (and in the film's title itself) as "The Princess," even though she is not yet married to Humperdinck. However, the grandfather states that Buttercup was born on a small farm, and Humperdinck states in his speech to the people that she was once a commoner. The reason for the discrepancy is that in the novel, the law of the land did indeed allow Humperdinck to choose his bride, but that bride was required to be a princess. Humperdinck overcame the obstacle by making Buttercup princess of a nonexistent country, making her eligible to marry him.
As you wish" is said 7 times (4 by Westley, 3 by the grandfather). Inconceivable is said 5 times. And the famous line "My name is Inigo Montoya..." is said 6 times.
Count Rugen's death in the original novel was more graphic. After telling the "son of a bitch" he wants his father back, Inigo proceeds to cut Rugen's heart out, even describing what he's doing to Rugen, claiming that the count had figuratively done the same to him when he murdered his father years before (Inigo even tells Fezzik earlier on, "That is the sound of ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when Rugen slaughtered my father. The Man in Black makes it now.") However, before Inigo finishes cutting out the Count's heart, Rugen dies of fright.
Rob Reiner claimed the final closeup of Peter Falk delivering the last line in the picture "As you wish..." was the only pickup shot filmed in Hollywood after production had wrapped in England.
Christopher Guest's character has six fingers on one hand. This means that his fingers go up to eleven, in much the same manner that his character's amplifier did in This Is Spinal Tap.
In the lead up to Wesley's duel with Inigo, it is likely that Wesley knows that his opponent is not left-handed as Inigo wears his scabbard on his left hip, drawing his sword with his right hand. He also repeatedly gestures using his right-hand, suggesting dominance. Wesley, on the other hand, wears his sword on his right hip, and draws it with his left-hand. He also uses this hand to pull off his boot and when offered Inigo's sword to inspect takes it with his left-hand, fully committing to the ruse.
Count Rugen wounds Inigo five times before and during the period of the film: the two cheek scars he inflicted on Inigo when he was a child, sword thrusts to one forearm and the opposite shoulder, and the knife wound in the stomach. When Inigo finally gets the upper hand in their duel, he returns exactly those wounds and no more: first the forearm and shoulder, then the cheek slashes, and then finally he kills Rugen with a thrust to the stomach.
Buttercup is continually referred to throughout the film (and in the film's title itself) as "The Princess," even though she is not yet married to Humperdinck. However, the grandfather states that Buttercup was born on a small farm, and Humperdinck states in his speech to the people that she was once a commoner. The reason for the discrepancy is that in the novel, the law of the land did indeed allow Humperdinck to choose his bride, but that bride was required to be a princess. Humperdinck overcame the obstacle by making Buttercup princess of a nonexistent country, making her eligible to marry him.
As you wish" is said 7 times (4 by Westley, 3 by the grandfather). Inconceivable is said 5 times. And the famous line "My name is Inigo Montoya..." is said 6 times.
Count Rugen's death in the original novel was more graphic. After telling the "son of a bitch" he wants his father back, Inigo proceeds to cut Rugen's heart out, even describing what he's doing to Rugen, claiming that the count had figuratively done the same to him when he murdered his father years before (Inigo even tells Fezzik earlier on, "That is the sound of ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when Rugen slaughtered my father. The Man in Black makes it now.") However, before Inigo finishes cutting out the Count's heart, Rugen dies of fright.
Rob Reiner claimed the final closeup of Peter Falk delivering the last line in the picture "As you wish..." was the only pickup shot filmed in Hollywood after production had wrapped in England.
Christopher Guest's character has six fingers on one hand. This means that his fingers go up to eleven, in much the same manner that his character's amplifier did in This Is Spinal Tap.
In the lead up to Wesley's duel with Inigo, it is likely that Wesley knows that his opponent is not left-handed as Inigo wears his scabbard on his left hip, drawing his sword with his right hand. He also repeatedly gestures using his right-hand, suggesting dominance. Wesley, on the other hand, wears his sword on his right hip, and draws it with his left-hand. He also uses this hand to pull off his boot and when offered Inigo's sword to inspect takes it with his left-hand, fully committing to the ruse.
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