February 1 is the 32nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year (334 in leap years). This date is slightly more likely to fall on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday (58 in 400 years each) than on Saturday or Sunday (57), and slightly less likely to occur on a Tuesday or Thursday (56).

1587 ― Queen Elizabeth I of England signs death warrant for Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots.

1669 ― French King Louis XIV limits freedom of religion (from historylearningsite.co.uk).

1713 ― The Kalabalik or Tumult in Bendery results from the Ottoman sultan's order that his unwelcome guest, King Charles XII of Sweden, be seized.
1788 ― The first steamboat patent is issued, by Georgia, to Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet. -- From PatentYogi


1587 ― Queen Elizabeth I of England signs death warrant for Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots.

1669 ― French King Louis XIV limits freedom of religion (from historylearningsite.co.uk).

1713 ― The Kalabalik or Tumult in Bendery results from the Ottoman sultan's order that his unwelcome guest, King Charles XII of Sweden, be seized.
1788 ― The first steamboat patent is issued, by Georgia, to Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet. -- From PatentYogi

1790 ― In the Royal Exchange Building on New York City’s Broad Street, the Supreme Court of the United States meets for the first time, with Chief Justice John Jay of New York presiding.
1840 ― The Baltimore College of Dental Surgery is incorporated, the first in United States.
1856 ― Auburn University is chartered as the East Alabama Male College.

1861 ― Texas becomes the seventh state to secede from the Union when a state convention votes 166 to 8 in favor of the measure.
1865 ― The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is signed by President Abraham Lincoln and issued to the states for ratification (National Freedom Day). "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
1884 ― The first portion, or fascicle, of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), considered the most comprehensive and accurate dictionary of the English language, is published. Today, the OED is the definitive authority on the meaning, pronunciation and history of over half a million words, past and present.

1865 ― Abolitionist, John S. Rock, the first black lawyer to practice in the Supreme Court, is admitted to bar.

1871 ― Jefferson F. Long of Georgia is the first black to make an official speech in the U.S. House of Representatives (opposing leniency to former Confederates).
1884 ― The first portion, or fascicle, of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), considered the most comprehensive and accurate dictionary of the English language, is published. Today, the OED is the definitive authority on the meaning, pronunciation and history of over half a million words, past and present.

1893 ― Thomas Edison completes the world's first movie studio (West Orange NJ).
1909 ― Following the Spanish-American War, U.S. forces withdraw from Cuba after liberal Jose Miguel Gomez becomes president. Ensuing political instability will bring a threat of U.S. intervention in 1912.

1909 ― Following the Spanish-American War, U.S. forces withdraw from Cuba after liberal Jose Miguel Gomez becomes president. Ensuing political instability will bring a threat of U.S. intervention in 1912.

1920 ― The Royal Canadian Mounted Police forms as Royal Northwest Mounted Police merge with Dominion Police.
1944 ― The Supreme Soviet enlarges the Soviet republics' autonomy.
1951 ― Low temperature of -50°F (-46°C) is reached at Gavilan, NM (state record).
1957 ― P.H. Young becomes the first black pilot on a scheduled U.S. passenger airline.

1951 ― Low temperature of -50°F (-46°C) is reached at Gavilan, NM (state record).
1957 ― P.H. Young becomes the first black pilot on a scheduled U.S. passenger airline.

1957 ― Felix Wankel's first working prototype DKM 54 of the Wankel engine was running at the NSU research and development department Versuchsabteilung in Germany.

1968 ― Saigon police chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executes Viet Cong officer Nguyễn Văn Lém with a pistol shot to head. The execution is captured by photographer Eddie Adams and becomes an anti-war icon.
1972 ― The first scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) introduced ($395).

1972 ― The first scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) introduced ($395).

1978 ― Harriet Tubman, an abolitionist, humanitarian, and, during the American Civil War, a Union spy, is the first black woman honored on a US postage stamp.

1979 ― The Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran in triumph after 15 years of exile. The shah and his family had fled the country two weeks before, and jubilant Iranian revolutionaries were eager to establish a fundamentalist Islamic government under Khomeini’s leadership.
1985 ― Low temperature of-61°F (-52°C) is reached at Maybell, CO (state record).
1985 ― Low temperature of -69°F (-56°C) is reached at Peter's Sink, UT (state record).

1998 ― Rear Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne became the first female African American to be promoted to rear admiral.

2003 ― The space shuttle Columbia breaks up while entering the atmosphere over Texas, killing all seven crew members on board.
2014 ― Ray Guy becomes the first pure NFL punter to be inducted in the hall of fame.
1797 – Franz Schubert, Austrian pianist and composer (d. 1828)
1881 – Irving Langmuir, American chemist and physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1957)
1923 – Norman Mailer, American journalist and author (d. 2007)
1925 – Benjamin Hooks, American minister, lawyer, and activist (d. 2010)
From Wikipedia and Google (images), ex as noted.
2014 ― Ray Guy becomes the first pure NFL punter to be inducted in the hall of fame.
1797 – Franz Schubert, Austrian pianist and composer (d. 1828)
1881 – Irving Langmuir, American chemist and physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1957)
1923 – Norman Mailer, American journalist and author (d. 2007)
1925 – Benjamin Hooks, American minister, lawyer, and activist (d. 2010)
From Wikipedia and Google (images), ex as noted.
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