RATINGS: IMDB ―6.6/10, Rotten Tomatoes ― 33%, ME ― 63%

Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: [as Olga is cleaning his wound] Ow!
Olga: You complain much.
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: [quietly] Ow.
[she applies a swab of ammonia]
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: What is that?
Olga: Cow urine.
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: Cow urine?
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: No, no. Don't put that filth on me. Water, clean water.
Olga: As you wish. Tomorrow the pus will run, and you'll have a fever.
[he lets her put it on]
Antonio Banderas as Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan and Maria Bonnavie as Olga
Trivia (From IMDB):
The Historic Ahmed Ibn Fadlan traveled as an emissary to the land of the Volga Bulgars to convert them to Islam. And on his way he encountered Turks in Central Asia and Russian and Varangians (Volga Vikings). He returned in 923 and no record after this date refers to him.
In accordance with the book, John McTiernan's version of the Wendol's mother was an old woman, which was filmed with veteran actress Susan Willis. When Michael Crichton took over and did the reshoots, it was decided that brutally killing off an old lady did not reflect very well on the heroes. Crichton decided after the fact to make her younger, sleeker and tougher. In the final released film, Wendol's mother is played by actress Kristen Cloke (uncredited), but the final credits still list Susan Willis as the Wendol's mother (although she is nowhere to be seen in the final cut).
The film omits an explanation of who the "mist monsters" actually are. In the novel, author Michael Crichton reveals they were the descendants of the Neanderthals.
One of the Viking ships used in the movie is now to be found in the Norwegian pavilion in the EPCOT-center, Walt Disney World, where it is used as a playground for kids. The Disney-company is also the owner of Touchstone Pictures that made the movie.
Although rumors persist that 'The 13th Warrior' was one of the most expensive movie flops ever with a budget of $160m (the figure given on the-numbers.com for its combined production and marketing costs), the producers claimed that the actual cost of the film before marketing was $90m. In the U.S. The 13th Warrior grossed $32,698,900 and only $61,702,600 worldwide.
Graeme Revell had composed a complete original score when the movie was slated to be released as "Eaters of the Dead" in 1998. But after the film was deemed unwatchable during test screenings, Michael Crichton took over the project and rejected Revell's original score and brought in Jerry Goldsmith to rescore the film, renamed "The 13th Warrior."
Adapting "Beowulf" for his novel and then for this movie, Michael Crichton changed some of the original names for ones that sounded similar: Beowulf is here named Buliwyf, Hygelac becomes Hyglak, the Grendel transformed into the Wendol, etc.
The disparate armor worn by the Vikings can be explained by the Norse tradition of taking the armor of a vanquished foe. It was also a display of status in Norse society..the nicer the armor the higher the position hence Buliwyf's ornate set and why Halga appears to have the helmet of a Roman gladiator.
Omar Sharif was so disappointed by the finished film that he took a temporary retirement from acting.
Since Michael Crichton published his novel "Eaters of the Dead" in 1976, the basis of this film, it has become regarded as one of the most notorious hoaxes in Librarianship Circles. The Ahmad Tusi Manuscript that Crichton referenced in his bibliography as being the source of this story, is completely made up. The name of the translator Fraus Dolus is in fact two Latin words meaning both 'hoax' and 'fraud'. The University of Oslo, where this manuscript is supposed to be kept, have (since the book was published), on an annual basis had to send out letters telling enquirers that they have been the victim of a hoax.
Originally titled 'Eaters of the Dead', the film went through several re-edits after test audiences did not react well to the initial cut. After re-shooting several key scenes with Michael Crichton taking over as director, the title was changed to 'The 13th Warrior'. The budget, which was originally around $85 million, reportedly soared to more than $110-115 million before principal photography wrapped. With all of the re-shoots and promotional expenses, the total cost of the film was a rumored $160 million.
Tony Curran who plays Weath, one of the Viking warriors, wears a piece of tartan as part of his costume. Curran was born in Scotland.
The Wendols throwing weapons are based on the Roman Plumbata. The Plumbata replaced the Roman Pilum (throwing spear) in early 4th century in Legionary Armies.
When Ibn Fahdlan (Banderas) and Melchisidek (Sharif) enters the tent at the beginning of the movie the latter speaks Greek which eventually leads to a conversation with the viking Herger (Storhoi). Melchisidek speaks Greek, and though Herger obviously understands Greek he responds in Latin which Melchisidek fortunately understands.
Though it is not stated why a Northman could understand both Latin and Greek as there were no official connection between Scandinavia and Byzantine in the 10th century, the logical assumption would be that Herger learned the languages due to him taking part in the viking raids/travels into modern day Russia (where the first scenes are filmed) and from there south into what was then the Byzantine Empire. The dominant language of the Byzantium realm was Greek with Latin as a second language. The vikings made at least one attempt at conquering the capital of the Byzantium Empire: Constantinople.
Was filmed two years before its eventual release date, which had been pushed back several times.
Loosely based on the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, "Beowulf", whose author is unknown.
In John McTiernan's original cut there was no final duel between Bulywyf and the leader of the Wendol.
The Buliwyf's dog name is Rekkae (played by Connor).
The idea of 13 warriors is taken from Scandinavian myths regarding the danish king Hrolf Kraki (Pole-Ladder). The legend goes that Hrolf Kraki had an entourage of 12 warriors (like Buliwyf in the film) and in some versions, one of them is Bödvar Bjarki, a hero who shares parallels with the hero Beowulf. Some scholars has suggested that the story of Bödvar Bjarki is simply another version of the story of Beowulf.
The second film where Maria Bonnevie plays the daughter of a viking chieftain. She also played one in Hvíti víkingurinn.
Director Stuart Gordon first optioned the rights from Michael Crichton's book in the early 1990s and generated a lot of interest in the project, before 'Martha Coolidge' (QV) got interested before John McTiernan was ultimately actually hired to direct it...
Spoilers ―
After Buliwyf slays the other heir apparent, the line "Så du tennene på henne?" is heard spoken in the background. This is Norwegian, and translates to "Did you see the teeth on her?"
The second part of Ahmed's prayer before the last battle is very similar to the "Confiteor", a prayer used in the Mass of the Roman Catholic Church.
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