Friday, January 26, 2018


January 26 is the 26th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 339 days remaining until the end of the year (340 in leap years). This date is slightly more likely to fall on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday (58 in 400 years each) than on Sunday or Monday (57), and slightly less likely to occur on a Wednesday or Friday (56).


1340 ― English King Edward III is proclaimed King of France

1500 ― Spanish explorer Vicente Yáñez Pinzón, who had commanded the Nina during Christopher Columbus’ first expedition to the New World, reaches the northeastern coast of Brazil during a voyage under his command.

1564 ― The Council of Trent issued its conclusions in the Tridentinum, establishing a distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

― Russia, Prussia and Austria sign treaty, the third partition of Poland.

1862 ― President Abraham Lincoln issues General War Order #1, calling for a Union offensive, General George McClellan ignores the order.

― The first U.S.National income tax is repealed. The tax was initiated to pay for the Civil War.

1788 ― English Captain Arthur Phillip guides a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. After overcoming a period of hardship, the fledgling colony began to celebrate the anniversary of this date with great fanfare. The date who thereafter be knows in celebration as Australia Day.

1907 ― The first U.S. federal corrupt election practices law (the Publicity Act) is passed.

1918 ― Future U.S. president, Herbert Clark Hoover, U.S. Food Administrator during WWI, calls for "wheatless" and "meatless" days for the war effort.

1918 ― Soon after the Bolsheviks seized control in immense, troubled Russia in November 1917 and moved towards negotiating peace with the Central Powers, the former Russian state of Ukraine declares its total independence.

1926 ― First public demonstration of television by John Logie Baird in his laboratory in London.

1936 ― The dismembered body of Florence Polillo is found in a basket and several burlap sacks in Cleveland. The 42-year-old woman was the third victim in 18 months to be found dismembered with precision. It sparked a panic in Cleveland, where the unknown murderer was dubbed the “Mad Butcher.”

1939 During the Spanish Civil War, Barcelona, the Republican capital of Spain, falls to the Nationalist forces of General Francisco Franco.

1939 ― Filming begins on the Civil War classic "Gone With the Wind".

1948 ― Executive Order 9981 ending racial segregation in the U.S. Armed Forces is signed by President Harry Truman.

1950 ― India becomes a republic, ceasing to be a British dominion.

1960 ― Alvin Ray "Pete"Pete Rozelle is elected NFL commissioner on the 23rd ballot. Rozelle led the golden age of the National Football League including it's successful merger with the rival American Football League.

1967 ― The Chicago Blizzard strikes with a record 23 inches of snow fall causing 800 buses and 50,000 automobiles to be abandoned.

1970 ― U.S. Navy Lt. Everett Alvarez Jr. spends his 2,000th day in captivity in Southeast Asia. First taken prisoner when his plane was shot down on August 5, 1964, he became the longest-held POW in U.S. military history.

1991 ― Born in Fetsund, Norway, Jan Stenerud becomes the first pure placekicker to be inducted to the NFL Hall of Fame. Stenerud came to the U.S. on a ski-jumping scholarship to Montana State University (Bozeman).

1998 ― President Bill Clinton says "I want to say one thing to the American people; I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky".

2005 ― President George W. Bush appoints Condoleezza Rice to the post of Secretary of State, making her the highest ranking African-American woman ever to serve in a presidential cabinet.

2013 The United States Sentencing Commission is hacked by Anonymous in response to the suicide of Aaron Swartz. ― ZDNet


1880 – Douglas MacArthur, American general, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 1964)

1925 – Paul Newman, American actor, director, race car driver, and businessman, co-founded Newman's Own (d. 2008)

Wikipedia and Google, ex as noted. 

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